Capcom aims to increase ratio of female managers to 15%


Capcom is aiming to increase its percentage of female managers to 15%.

In a general Q&A at a recent shareholders meeting, Capcom said currently 21.2% of employees at the firm are female, with 13.6% of its core talent being made up by women.

It’s unclear what distinction Capcom makes between employees and core talent.

When asked what it would do to increase the ratio of female managers internally, the firm said it believed it would see more women making it to director positions by “broadening [its] scope and increasing the ratio of female managers” in the long term.

The company also said it will consider non-Japanese directors when looking at candidates going forward.

Elsewhere in the Q&A, Capcom clarified that it would not stop producing physical games despite 90.1% of sales being digital titles in 2023.

“Given the significant number of end users demand physical games, we do not expect to eliminate physical products,” it said.

In May, Capcom reported a record high profit of ¥43.3 billion ($277 million) for the seventh year running, driven by its digital content business.


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